
Voices from Willamette Wellness Center

Blog Post By Nevada Martinez-Warren

Healing LGBTQIA+ Collective Trauma Through Relationship

For too many of us within the LGBTQIA+ community, we share an experience of rejection, exclusion and conditional belonging.  When traditional gender roles and orientation are assumed, members of of LGBQTIA+ community can be forced to choose between quietly feeling, “it’s so nice to be part of this, but if they really knew me…” or […]

Blog Post By Arin Wallington

Breaking the Cycle of Disorganized Attachment

Why is my partner mean when I get sick or hurt?  It makes no sense and hurts my feelings. Some people struggle when their loved ones get sick or injured – acting angry, giving the cold shoulder, and temporarily abandoning the one they love (leaving the room or house for hours at a time). Sometimes they […]